May 28, 2013

Thot: Citizen Pain

Why wait for a full album when you have a new song, two remixes and two reinterpretations of your previous single? Belgium noise rockers Thot keep up their hectic release schedule with Citizen Pain, one of their darkest songs yet - a claustrophobic foray into electronics, fuzz and distortion, - and the remixes are even scarier. The two deconstructions of Rhythm.Hope.Answers are less memorable. The Imaginary War Remix sounds like a discarded demo of the Sisters of Mercy.

Citizen Pain is a self-released (pay-what-you-want) EP available through Bandcamp. If you decide to hand over a bit of cash you are rewarded with a link to an exclusive homemade-acoustic video recording.

  1. Citizen Pain
  2. Citizen Pain (T.Raumschmiere Remix)
  3. Citizen Pain (Downtown Path Manipulation Remix)
  4. Rhythm.Hope.Answers (Imaginary War Remix)
  5. Rhythm.Hope.Answers (RNZ Remix)

Live dates:
  • 06/21 Fiesta Du Rock, Flemalle, Belgium
  • 06/23 FĂȘtes de la Musique 2013, Brussels, Belgium
  • 08/09 Wead Festival, Havelange, Belgium


HCTF review of Rhythm.Hope.Answers.

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