Synths and poetry are the cornerstone of Electropoëzie (electro poetry), the brainchild of Hans Hoeverloo & De Ridderbaas. Their new album Voor de Moord is a pairing of (supposedly) high and low art. Nursery rhymes, Herman Melville's masterpiece Moby Dick, shopping lists, elephants all join in for a parade of adventurous and eclectic spoken word pieces.
Voor De Moord is a radio play backed by the sounds inspired by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, VPRO's Vrije Geluiden, Eighties New Wave, and Dance. It's a maze, a puzzle and a rollercoaster ride. Open mind required and brace yourself for unexpected left turns and smart metaphores. Recommended if you like Fabrieke and high school teachers who want to show their students that poetry and music can join forces and create something special.
Voor de Moord is released thru Smikkelbaard.
Tracks:- Schreeuwende Dode Rode
- Hans en het Haatkoor Presenteren De Eeuwigheid
- Symmetrie
- Ben Het Zat
- Olifanten
- Maniakale Medley
- Verbaasde Lieden
- Boodschappenlijstje
- Het Alfabet
- De Tweede Deur
- Slaap Niet Lied
- Moby Dick
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