October 18, 2007

The Pendletons: Oh, Me!

What is it with Athens, Georgia? Is there something in the water that breeds indie rock bands? The Pendletons are yet another example of four University students starting a band. They have come up with enough songs to release a full length called Oh, Me!, an album that sings and swings like the night is never going to end.

The Pendletons:
Ben DuPriest: drums
Matt Giordano: bass
Colin Moorhead: guitar
Adam Saunders: vocals

The Pendletons - Oh, Me!

Oh, Me! is distributed via indieoutlaw.com.

Tour dates:
  • 10/19 CMJ - The Annex, New York, NY
  • 10/22 Cake Shop (w/ Casper & The Cookies), New York, NY
  • 10/24 Arlenes Grocery New York, NY
  • 11/01 Lennys (w/ Death on Two Wheels), Atlanta, GA
  • 11/08 Caledonia, Athens, GA
  • 11/28 EARL -- benefit show, Atlanta, GA

» myspace.com/pendletons

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